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Thursday, February 10, 2011

2010 youth deer season.

I had made several frantic phone calls for the last two days looking for someone to sit with one of the boys durring the youth firearms deer season October 9th and 10th . The temps have been on the cool side but the forcast is looking like typical early October weather HOT .

I find out that Cody(my step son) has a scout activity that he has to attend , I'm releaved knowing that now I only need to find one person to hunt with us. It turns out that everyone had things to do on that Saturday morning and The plan was that Jamison,Josh, and myself would just all sit togeather somewhere. After a little bit of talk and some thinking Josh said that he would be willing to stay home so Jamison could hunt by himself.

The next day we are sitting beside "our" tree before daylight waiting for a deer to show. We ended up sitting in two more spots on the farm that had produced deer sightings in the past, but the warm/hot dry air and the full moon has their daytime activity limited.By eleven o' clock we are heading in for the morning.

After a quick nap , some food and a scent free shower,we are off again. This evening My brother Josh is going to sit with Jamison while josh sits with me. We are heading over to Burning Star 5 which is open for the youth season. After a quick check of the wind we are off into the brush.We had been walking for 5 minutes of less when we came to the haulage road. As we stopped to take a breather a small doe runs out of the brush where we just came from,and stood there looking at us. Jamison rushes the shot a bit and results in a swing and a miss.

Now Josh and I are finally were I want to sit for the evening.We are getting our gear settled in for the 4 hour wait until dark. We had been there less than 5 minutes when a doe and a fawn come out of the brush 75 yards away and make their way to where we are hiding . They come up to the road,stop, turn to look across the field. I whisper to Josh " Shoot the bigger one" He settlesw the cross hairs on the deers right shoulder and squeezes the trigger. The deer takes off in a dead run,but doesn't make it far. Thirty yards from where Josh too the shot the deer stumbled and fell within sight.Another one on the ground with the H&R 20 ga Ultra Slug Hunter,and Lightfield Slugs. After some hugs and high fives we hear Jaminson over the radio, " Josh Just killed one didn't he ?" All I said was ""dead deer"".

Now the tough part. Geting the deer back to the truck !................................. to be continued

I know it has been a LONG time since I have posted anything,but it seems that I never take the time and do this,but anyway........

This years hunting season was mixed with good,bad,and ugly....Talking about the weather that is. A work injury resulted in me having surgery in mid September ,which resulted in me not being able to bow hunt until late October.

My first time out was one of those"killing time" days. It was 75 degrees with a 20 mph south wind. Not very condusive for killing anything,but it was much needed time spent in the woods.After a phone conversation with a friend I saw my first deer of the evening and of the season. At frist glance I thought it was a doe,but after a second look I could see it was a buck, a BIG buck.He worked his way thru the timber and ended up 8 FEET away from the base of the tree I was in. I watied for his head to be behind a tree to draw my bow,took aim,and when he was in the wide open with a broad side chip shot I touched the trigger . As the arrow left the bow I got a sick feeling that I should have aimed lower. I was 20 plus feet up in the tree,and the deer just feet away resulted in a very bad angle. I can make any excuse I want but the result was the same. I missed. My arrow just skimmed across the top of his back, resulting in a puff of hair and the buck ran off into the woods unharmed with a little more education than he had a few minutes before.